Cairo requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 or higher which can be downloaded here:
If you have not already, you will need to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installed location of your JRE/JDK.
To install Cairo, extract all files from the binary distribution archive to a directory of your choosing.
Cairo requires Java Media Framework (JMF) version 2.1.1. which can be downloaded here:
Download and run the JMF installer that corresponds to your specific operating system. This will install jmf.jar and sound.jar to the lib/ext directory of your installed JRE(s) as well as performing the configurations specific to your operating system.
Run the JSAPI installer found in the lib directory of your Cairo installation (either jsapi.exe or depending upon your operating system) and accept the Sun Microsystems license agreement. This will extract the jsapi.jar to your Cairo lib directory. (If you run the JSAPI installer from a different directory you will need to move the jsapi.jar from that directory to your Cairo installation's lib directory in order for it to be included in the Cairo classpath.)
Note: Extracting jsapi.jar to the lib directory is sufficient for this single Cairo installation. However to avoid this step during future installations you can permanently install JSAPI by moving the jsapi.jar to the lib/ext directory of your installed JRE(s).
See the Getting Started Guide for instructions on starting up the Cairo server processes and running the MRCPv2 client demos.